This is the picture that we are using (temporarily) for our profile pic. It's the only pic we have where we are all looking at the camera. Well, ok, not all of us. Jake looks a little funny - a lot funny! He was only a month old in this picture.
This was taken at the Fair in October 2005 in one of those photo booths. It's a tradition. Every year we go to the fair, we have to take a picture in one of the booths. It always gives us a good laugh.
I was thinking that blogging would be a good way to journal the kids lives as we go through our daily lives. Kind of like a digital scrapbook. Hopefully blogging will be around a while and when the kids get older we can show them the blog we started when they were small.
Our goal is to update the blog at least 3 times a week. I would like to try for more.
So this is our entry for today. We will try to make this more enjoyable for you as time goes on.