Family C Notes

Notes from the C family about what's happening in our lives.

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Location: United States

We are a family of four~ five counting the cat. Aaron, Nicole, Garrett, Jake, and Ruby (The cat).

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Mommy's Uggs......

The boys have an obsession with my shoes. They like to use them as toys and whenever they find them laying about the house, they have to try them on. It doesn't matter what kind of shoes they are. They don't like to play with Aaron's shoes because his are too heavy to play with.

This particular day I had my uggs in the dining room and Jake found them. He thought it was funny to put them on and walk around with them. He wouldn't take them off. He said they were soft. I know they aren't the prettiest shoes in the world, but they ARE very comfy.

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Sunday, January 04, 2009

Snow Trip 2008 (part 2).....

Here are some more pics of our day trip to the snow. The boys had more fun playing in the snow than riding on the inner tubes. I don't blame them. Some of the hills we found were a little intimidating. That's a picture of me going down a hill right before I hit a bump and fell on my face...I was literally eating snow....not pretty! With the exception of that, it was a beautiful day to play in the snow. Hopefully we can make the time to go again in 2009.

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Snow Trip 2008....

We took a road trip to the Sierras in March 2008 to play in the snow. We are not very far from the mountains but this was the first year we ever made a special trip to play in the snow. The kids had seen snow once before at Grandpa & Grandma Laurie's place. This was the second time in their lives that they got to play in the snow. This time we rented inner tubes and the boys were dressed in their snow pants and boots.

We had fun except the boys started getting tired of walking up and down the snow hills. They didn't like that they kept sinking down into the snow. What a workout for Aaron and I! We had to carry Jake around towards the end of our snow play because he was so frustrated he just wouldn't walk anymore. We helped the boys make a snowman and Aaron & I each had a few turns on the inner tubes.

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Thursday, January 01, 2009

It's Ruby!.....

We have a black cat named Ruby. She's an inside cat and we've had her for about 10 years. She's kind of a scaredy cat in that if you come over for a visit, you would never know we had a cat.

She doesn't like to be around a lot of people and loud noises. She especially does not like to come out when the kids are awake and playing. She spends a lot of time under our bed and in our closet. She will come out when the kids have gone to bed. She loves cuddling with Aaron on the sofa.

Imagine my surprise when I came out to the living room one morning to see her laying with Garrett on the oversized chair. She must have really wanted to cuddle with someone because she never lays still long enough when the kids are around. I thinks she's finally realizing that the kids are here to stay and she's gotta get used to them some time.

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Second Hand Drum Set.......

My parent's are next door neighbors with the Spitzer family. The Spitzers have a teenage daughter and a pre-teen son who we've seen grown up since they were born. Whenever the Spitzers have something that their kids have "outgrown", they go to my dad to see if he wants it for his grandchildren. My Dad will never pass up a free toy for his grandkids.

This is one of those toys we inherited from the Spitzer family. We inherited a kid size drum set. Of course we rolled our eyes when Dad said that he got something for the boys. We begrudgingly took the drum set home to our garage where it sat for a couple of weeks until Garrett saw it and desperately wanted to make some music. We hauled part of the set inside and let them go at it. It IS quite entertaining for the boys but I don't think they have a career in it. But you never know.

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