Garrett's First Soccer Game......
Garrett & Marissa played on their very first soccer team in September/October. They were on a team with 6 other kids. The kids ranged in age from 4-6 years. They played every Saturday for 6 weeks. The games were 30 minutes and it was mainly a "chase the ball" game. Not a lot of skill was involved but the kids seemed to enjoy playing.
There were a couple of "allstar" kids on their team who everyone counted on to score the goals. Garrett and Marissa were not one of the all stars but they were a lot of fun to watch. The team went undefeated (not that we were keeping track or anything) and the parents had just as much fun cheering on the kids.
There were a couple of "allstar" kids on their team who everyone counted on to score the goals. Garrett and Marissa were not one of the all stars but they were a lot of fun to watch. The team went undefeated (not that we were keeping track or anything) and the parents had just as much fun cheering on the kids.