Family C Notes

Notes from the C family about what's happening in our lives.

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Location: United States

We are a family of four~ five counting the cat. Aaron, Nicole, Garrett, Jake, and Ruby (The cat).

Friday, October 20, 2006

PreSchool Picture.....

Here's Garrett's first official school picture. Didn't it turn out great? He's actually smiling normal. We can never get him to smile in a normal way. I wish I could have been there to see what the photographer did to make him smile like that!

He looks older than 3 years in this pic. He looks like he's 4 or 5. I can't believe how old he looks. So this is one of many school pics that we will have in the years to come. More pics to come soon!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Decorating for Halloween...

We started putting up our Halloween decorations on October 1st. Garrett could not wait any longer. He knew we had Frankenstein in the garage and it was time to put him up. He gets sooo excited when he sees any kind of holiday decoration. It definitely makes the Holidays a more exciting time. He already keeps asking about the Christmas decorations in the garage and it's not even November yet. I know this Holiday Season will be fun for all of us.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Pink Helmet & Bike....

No, we don't make Jake ride a pink bike and wear a pink helmet all of the time. This is actually Marissa's ensemble. We thought it would be funny to try it out on Jake. He didn't seem to mind that it was pink. He was content with it, as long as he could have his pacifier. Garrett & Marissa ride their "bikes" whenever they go to Lita's and Lito's. This is one of their favorite pastimes.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Fair Tradition....

It's been a couple of weeks since I've updated. I have lots of great pics to share. I'll try to catch up soon. We went to the fair this weekend. Aaron and I went to the horse races on Friday (We didn't win anything!) and then we took the kids on Saturday. My mom, dad, brother & his family, and sister went too. We had a great time. We were exhausted when we left.

We have a tradition that Aaron and I started when we first started dating (14 years ago). We take a picture in a photo booth at the fair. Here is this year's pic. We are using the last pic for our new profile pic. In the first pic Aaron is snapping his fingers trying to get Jake's attention. We always have a fun time doing this. I'll be posting again soon!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Birthday Tradition...

We've made it a tradition to take a picture with the boys on their birthday so they can see how much they have changed and how much we have changed. We started doing this on Garrett's first birthday and now it's Jake's turn to continue the tradition. As you can see it was hard to get Jake to smile in my picture and then we couldn't get either one of the boys to smile in their picture. But Jake smiled for daddy. More pics to come soon...