Family C Notes

Notes from the C family about what's happening in our lives.

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Location: United States

We are a family of four~ five counting the cat. Aaron, Nicole, Garrett, Jake, and Ruby (The cat).

Monday, April 23, 2007

Valentine's Day 2007

Valentine's Day fell on a Wednesday this year which means the kids spent the day with mommy. We did venture out to Garrett's preschool, where they had a Valentine's Day Lunch for the kids. It was more like dessert. The kids passed out Valentines and then sat down to eat a huge plate of sweets. Jake got to participate in the festivities too. He had a great time acting like a preschooler. Garrett loved looking at all his Valentines and of course eating all the yummy goodies.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

My Little Super Hero....

Here is Garrett goofing around in his super hero mask. He actually came out to the lving room like this after playing in his room. I think he was inspired by the Disney on Ice show which featured "The Incredibles". He wouldn't stop talking about the icredibles and the show for weeks afterwards. Even now, he sometimes says, "remember when we saw Disney on ice?" How could we forget?

Disney on Ice....

Our local radio station had a contest to win a four pack of Disney on Ice tickets. You had to submit a picture of your kid dressed in a Disney costume. Whoever's picture got the most votes, won the tickets. I entered a picture of Garrett in his "Cars ~ Lightening McQueen" costume.

Well, we ended up winning (Aaron and I had A LOT to do with that)! The radio station guy called me and I started crying because I was so excited to win the tickets. I was on the radio and everything. I know I could've just bought tickets but this made the event more special. We took Garrett and Marissa. We didn't take Jakey because we didn't think he would sit still and it was past his bed time. We only won 4 tickets but my mom and dad and Frankie came too. The kids really enjoyed the show, the snacks and the souveniers. The seats that we won were really close to the ice. We had never been to one of these shows and it was definitely worth it. We can't wait to go again.