Family C Notes

Notes from the C family about what's happening in our lives.

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Location: United States

We are a family of four~ five counting the cat. Aaron, Nicole, Garrett, Jake, and Ruby (The cat).

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

More Goofing Around...

The boys really enjoy playing together. They already play pretty rough, as if they were a few years older. It will be interesting to see how they grow up and play together. They already wrestle and shove and run from each other~the usual little boy behavior. They have their peaceful moments too. Sometimes Garrett will say "mommy, take a picture of us". How can I not grab the camera and take pictures?

This pic was taken in early November which is when Jake started walking. He's been walking for about a month and I can see how fast he's become. When he started he was so unstable and "drunk". He has gotten so fast and confident in the past month I just can't believe it.


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