Garrett had his first Christmas program at preschool. It was on my birthday at 11:00 am. Aaron and I both went and my mom and dad went too. We thought we had good seats until the kids came in and took their places. Garrett's place was in the first row which would have been good except the first row sat on the floor. Needless to say, we didn't have a very good view of him. We had to stand up to see the top of his head. I ended up leaving my seat to find a better place to see him. I wasn't very successful. This is the best picture we got of him.
The program literally lasted about 6 minutes. The kids are only 2-4 years old so they don't have a very long attention span. They sang a couple of Christmas songs and then they marched out to eat their treats. It was still fun to see him preform in this type of environment.
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