Family C Notes

Notes from the C family about what's happening in our lives.

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Location: United States

We are a family of four~ five counting the cat. Aaron, Nicole, Garrett, Jake, and Ruby (The cat).

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Box Cart Races.....

On June 2nd Garrett participated in his first official Box Cart Race. The races are held every year at a local park and are sponsored by the fire department. Our friends were involved last year and they invited Garrett to participate this year. He was part of a team of about 20 kids ages 4-12. Each age group has their own heat and they take turns, one by one, going down a pretty fast hill in a home made box cart. There were about 20 different teams so there were a lot of kids.

We weren't sure that Garrett would really go down the hill by himself. We were told that most of the 4 year olds get scared when they are up on the hill and they decide not to go down. We talked to Garrett before the race and tried to prepare him for what he would be doing. He kind of looked unsure but he ended up doing it! We were so proud of him. I think it helped that he loves the movie "Cars" and we compared the experience to the movie. When he was done we ran over to him and he said "Mom, can I do it again?". He had so much fun!

He didn't get one of the fastest times but we didn't care. We were just happy that he went down the hill and kept his car straight. Each kid got a participation trophy which was pretty cool. Now he has his first trophy! Even Jake had a great time watching all the cars go down the hill. He sat on my lap for a long while and clapped when the cars went by. We had a great time and we look forward to participating every year from now on. We also can't wait to get Marissa and Jake involved in the years to come.


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