Cotton Candy Ice Cream.....
We had lunch at McDonald's with Lita and picked out some new library books and then we got an ice cream for dessert from Rite Aid. Rite Aid sells the best ice cream ("Thrifty" brand). Garrett picked out "Cotton Candy" ice cream. As you can see, it is bright pink and blue ice cream. I wasn't too thrilled that he picked this flavor but it was his birthday so I caved in. He was so excited to taste it. We sat down outside the Rite Aid and he enjoyed every messy bite of his ice cream.
I have to admit, it was pretty tasty, a little on the sweet side. It was also pretty messy. I thought he might finish without getting any on his clothes but of course, I was wrong. Not only did he get some on his green polo shirt, but his lips and tongue were bright pink. But he thought that was pretty cool.
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